I bought imported flowers and they taught me an important lesson about myself

Every Thursday between January and March, I ventured over to Stroud College to meet new flowery folk and play with flowers under the excellent tuition of Emma Thistlethwaite of Thistle By Nature

One week's theme was Flower Crowns and Emma asked us to procure a specific number of flowers varying in structure and form to make our creations. 

As there was very little growing in the flower patch and my garden in January, I decided this was a good opportunity to explore a local florist shop. I haven't been into a florist shop in around ten years, so this would be a good chance for me to see what customers experience, understand their set up and test the difference between imported flower compared to British blooms. 

I'm going to be honest - this was difficult for me - I entered the flower world through growing and have adopted some dogmatic views on British vs imported flowers. But I'm aware black and white world views are rarely helpful and often rooted in privilege, so off I went to challenge myself and see what I could learn.

I ducked into a small independent florist shop and was initially excited by the pick 'n' mix of florals on display, a dream for a flower lover in the depths of winter craving some colour and scent in her life. On the whole the quality of stems was good and I carefully selected a mix of limonium, dianthus and narcissus in a purple, cream and green palette. 

Whilst I was enjoying having my hands of some flowers that weren't green foliage for the first time in months, I couldn't stop my mind from wondering who had grown these blooms? Where did they live? Why do they grow? What's their favourite flower? What is their farm like? 

This experience helped me to realise exactly what is important to me.

I don't grow flowers because they are pretty. I grow flowers because of connection.

I love the process of preparing the ground, sowing the seed, nurturing the plant and feeling in-sync with nature. Being outdoors in nature with my hands in the soil is where I feel most like I belong. I feel such a strong sense of awe in the fleeting beauty of each season, feeding the invertebrates and admiring the robin signing his sweet song from the shed roof. 

And it's not just about nature connection, it's community too. I grow flowers to bring a smile to the faces of all the people who walk by the patch or receive a bouquet at their doorstep. Connecting with people over the pure joy a bunch of bright & beautiful blooms brings is the most magical feeling, especially when I have nurtured them from seed and grown them with so much love.

I'm so grateful to have been about to explore these values and feel more certain than ever that I'm on a path that makes sense for me. And now you know that if you buy my flowers, you are investing in so much more than pretty flowers but connection, community and nature.